Monday, November 21, 2011

Tutorial: shopping tote

Finally I found some time to write down a tutorial for the shopping tote I made.

Tutorial Shopping Tote

1. Start with cutting the fabric. I used a plastic shopping bag of the desired size as a template.
2. Mine had the size of 42cm by 57cm. The gap at the side is 4 by 14cm. The middle gap is 18cm wide. The top of the handles is on the fabric fold.
3. If it is not possible to cut the front and back out of one piece (for example if the design is not nice upside down), you can cut two pieces and then sew the front and back together at the top of the handles. I used a french seam for this. The red lines indicate how. This is also called a flat felled seam. A tutorial can be found here.

4. Sew the sides together, again with a french seam (flat felled seam).
5. Top stitch this french seam at the sides: it will look like this.
6. Make pleads at the sides of the bottom and pin
7. Fold a seam at the bottom inside the pleads.
8. Top stitch severel times to secure the bottom seam.

9. Use biais band to finish the sides of the handles of.
10. Fold the handles, and stitch to secure at the top.
11. The end result in use ...
12. ..... and easy to fold in a small package.

Have fun

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