Friday, September 2, 2011

Tutorial servettenbloem / paper napkin flower

Deze bloemen van servetten of papieren zakdoekjes leerde ik als kind maken van mijn moeder. We hebben er door de jaren heen heel wat mee versierd. Hier een stap voor stap uitleg. Erg simpel en goed te doen met kleine kinderen.

I learned to make these flowers from my mother when I was a little girl. They are easy to make also with young children.


  1. Take a paper napkin or handkerchief with multiple layers. Cut of the sides that hold the layers together.
  2. Cut it in two equal sized rectangles.
  3. Put them on top of each other.

  1. Fold it like a harmonica.
  2. When done, hold it together in the middle with a piece of rope or ribbon

  1. Pull the upper layer upwards and shape a bit
  2. Pull the layers one by one, first one side and then the other side. Done!
  • Combine napkins of different colours.
  • Instead of having a flat bottom like the flower has here, you can also pull them in two directions, giving you a round flower.

p.s. This was my first tutorial, so if anything is unclear I'd like to hear it from you

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